Slax is a compact, fast, and modern Linux operating system that combines a sleek design with a modular approach. With the ability to run directly from a USB flash drive without the need for installation, Slax is truly portable and fits easily in your pocket. Despite its small size, it offers a visually appealing graphical user interface and a carefully curated selection of basic pre-installed programs such as a file manager, text editor, terminal, and more. Built on either Slackware or Debian, Slax allows you to take advantage of the vast ecosystem of each platform. With tens of thousands of prebuilt packages and applications readily available through the slackpkg (for Slackware) or apt (for Debian) command, the possibilities are virtually limitless. So whether you're a seasoned Linux user or just starting out, Slax has everything you need to get the job done. Learn more Get Slax today Support Slax The Slax project has been made possible by the hard work of dedicated developers and the support of users like you.If you appreciate the convenience and versatility of Slax, we invite you to become a patron of the Slax project.By becoming a patron, you'll not only support the ongoing development and maintenance of Slax, but you'llalso play a vital role in ensuring its future success.Your contribution, no matter how small or big, will help Slax continue to innovateand provide the best possible experience for its users. By becoming a patron, you're also showing yourappreciation for the hard work and dedication of its developers.So if you're ready to make a difference and support the future of Slax,become a patron today. Together, we can continue to make Slax the best it can be. Thank you! Become a patron .bitbox, .dlbox box-shadow: 0 0 40px #ccc; margin: 20px; margin-bottom: 30px; border-radius: 10px; width: 515px; background-color: #fff; .dlbox padding: 40px 30px; .bitbox padding: 50px 30px; .dlicons display: flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: center; align-items: center; gap: 10px; flex-wrap: wrap; .dlblock display: flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: center; align-items: center; gap: 30px; .dlbox:hover, .dlbox:active,, .bitbox:hover, .bitbox:active, cursor:pointer; background: url('/images/new/Highlight-download-section-with-green-BG.png');background-size: 100% 400px; color: #fff; background-position: 0 -20px; .dlicons img display: block; .dlicons img.slaxbase width: 128px; height: 128px; .dlcaption margin-top: 20px; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; .bit letter-spacing: 4px; width: 128px; height: 128px; padding: 24px; color: #fff; font-size: 60px; text-align: center; line-height: 35px; border-radius: 20px; .bit background: radial-gradient(circle at 9px -72px, #777777, #707070 150px, #666666 152px, #000000 100%); border: 3px solid #666666; .bit span font-size: 25px; .bitblock display: flex; .bitchip position: relative; transform: scale(0.6); margin-left: 10px; .bitcaption padding: 8px 15px 0 40px; .box-shadow-legs-64-1, .box-shadow-legs-32-1, .box-shadow-legs-64-2, .box-shadow-legs-32-2 position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: -10; background: transparent; .box-shadow-legs-64-1, .box-shadow-legs-32-1 width: 6px; height: 50px; margin-top: 10px; .box-shadow-legs-64-2, .box-shadow-legs-32-2 width: 50px; height: 6px; margin-left: 10px; .box-shadow-legs-64-1 box-shadow : 10px -50px 0px #555555, 20px -30px 0px #555555, 30px -50px 0px #555555, 40px -20px 0px #555555, 50px -50px 0px #555555, 60px -30px 0px #555555, 70px -50px 0px #555555, 80px -20px 0px #555555, 90px -50px 0px #555555, 100px -30px 0px #555555, 110px -50px 0px #555555, 10px 110px 0px #555555, 20px 90px 0px #555555, 30px 110px 0px #555555, 40px 80px 0px #555555, 50px 110px 0px #555555, 60px 90px 0px #555555, 70px 110px 0px #555555, 80px 80px 0px #555555, 90px 110px 0px #555555, 100px 90px 0px #555555, 110px 110px 0px #555555; .box-shadow-legs-64-2 box-shadow : -50px 10px 0px #555555, -30px 20px 0px #555555, -50px 30px 0px #555555, -20px 40px 0px #555555, -50px 50px 0px #555555, -30px 60px 0px #555555, -50px 70px 0px #555555, -20px 80px 0px #555555, -50px 90px 0px #555555, -30px 100px 0px #555555, -50px 110px 0px #555555, 110px 10px 0px #555555, 90px 20px 0px #555555, 110px 30px 0px #555555, 80px 40px 0px #555555, 110px 50px 0px #555555, 90px 60px 0px #555555, 110px 70px 0px #555555, 80px 80px 0px #555555, 110px 90px 0px #555555, 90px 100px 0px #555555, 110px 110px 0px #555555; .box-shadow-legs-32-1 box-shadow : 30px -50px 0px #555555, 50px -40px 0px #555555, 70px -50px 0px #555555, 90px -40px 0px #555555, 30px 100px 0px #555555, 50px 110px 0px #555555, 70px 100px 0px #555555, 90px 110px 0px #555555; .box-shadow-legs-32-2 box-shadow : -50px 30px 0px #555555, -40px 50px 0px #555555, -50px 70px 0px #555555, -40px 90px 0px #555555, 100px 30px 0px #555555, 110px 50px 0px #555555, 100px 70px 0px #555555, 110px 90px 0px #555555; .icon128 img width: 128px; height: 128px; .btn-dl-email box-shadow: 0 0 25px rgba(0,0,0,.1); background-color: #ffffff; color: #333333; border: 1px solid #333333; padding: 10px; border-radius: 5px; text-decoration: none; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; .btn-dl-email font-size: 30px; .btn-dl-email:hover background-color: #333333; text-decoration: none; color: #fff; .mailinput padding: 12px; margin: 12px 0 0 0; font-size: 14px; outline: none; width: 350px; border-radius: 5px 5px 0 0; border: 1px dashed #555; border-top: 0; border-left: 0; border-right: 0; height: 46px; box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.1); .mailinput::placeholder color: #555555; #block1, #block2, #block3, #block4, block5 transition: opacity .5s; #block1 p, #block2 p, #block3 p, #block4 p, #block5 p transition: opacity .5s; .dlicons, .purbut, .mailform transition: opacity .5s; .slax90 flex-grow: 2; .plussign flex-grow: 1; .distroimage flex-grow: 2; .bitcaption min-width: 210px;,, padding: 0px 5px; border: 1px solid transparent; border-radius: 5px; border: 1px solid #536eb5; background-color: #657dbd; color: #ffffff; border: 1px solid #d70751; background-color: #db4c7f; color: #ffffff; border: 1px solid #2e2e2e ; background-color: #737373; color: #ffffff; Get Slax Are you looking for the perfect Slax version for you? Good news - there are several options available! Although they may look similar on the surface, each Slax version has unique internal differences. Here's a quick guide to help you choose the best one for you:
Regardless of one's feelings for operating systems, however, it is rather comforting to think that you can have 'pocket guide' for the latest version of OS X (version 10.6 or Snow Leopard - the previous version was code-named Leopard), which can actually fit into your pocket: most computer guides tend to be about 500 pages long and weigh several pounds - in fact, you can slide this one under your keyboard (assuming you have one with those prop-up legs at the back) and pull it out whenever you need it. Of course, the Guide must be already slightly out of date because, within a few weeks of the update, we had 10.6.1 and now 10.6.2: by the time this review appears I would not be surprised to find that 10.6.3 is available.
Unix Box In Pocket
We also employ extensive unix access controls along with TOMOYO mandatory access control to guard against operators or unintended processes interacting with data on storage nodes. More on these in future posts.
Creating small yet practical distros is a difficult task. Because small (or pocket-size) distros are not meantto be replacements for large, full-install operating systems like Ubuntu, SUSE, Fedora, PCLinuxOS, and others.Rather, they complement the big lot. But to be appealing, they have to be more than just small. Making themsmall is quite easy. Making them small and keeping all the functionality is quite hard. People will want theirdistros to be small, but they will not want to give up anything in return: Wireless, multimedia codecs, NTFSsupport, these are all a must.
Back to SLAX, it's definitely a keeper. Improvements need to be made - and hopefully, someone out there willheed this humble review. The way things are though, if you're lucky with your network support, SLAX is a trulygreat pocket Linux. We all know the Czech girls are the most beautiful girls in the world. And now you alsohave a sexy distro. Enjoy.
To build pocketsphinx in a Unix-like environment (such as Linux, Solaris,FreeBSD etc.) you need to make sure you have the following dependenciesinstalled: gcc, automake, autoconf, libtool, bison, swig (at least version 2.0),the Python development package and the pulseaudio development package.
You need to download both the sphinxbase and pocketsphinx packages and unpack them.Please note that you cannot use sphinxbase and pocketsphinx of differentversion. So, please make sure that their versions are in sync. After unpacking,you should see the following two main folders:
Because live audio input is somewhat platform-specific, we will confineourselves to decoding audio files. There is an audio file helpfully included inthe pocketsphinx source code which contains this very sentence. You can find itin pocketsphinx/test/data/goforward.raw.Copy it to the current directory. If you want to create your own version of it:it needs to be a single-channel (monaural), little-endian, unheadered 16-bitsigned PCM audio file sampled at 16000 Hz.
The main pocketsphinx use case is to read audio data in blocks of memoryfrom a source and feed it to the decoder. To do that, we first open the file andstart decoding the utterance using ps_start_utt():
Just 50 years ago, computers no more advanced than modern calculators filled entire rooms. Today, sleek, powerful laptops are ubiquitous. Now Vaughan Pratt, a professor of computer science, has created the world's smallest web server, a device that can fit into a shirt pocket. 2ff7e9595c